Working with Google Form Responses | Google Form

By | August 31, 2022

Working with Google Form Responses

The form will sometimes provide suggested response options based on the question’s text. Enter “Are you” and it’ll suggest genders. Try “size” and it’ll list S, M, L, XL. “Do you like” will offer yes, no, and maybe.

  1. Ignore the suggestions

Do nothing. The form will not add a response unless you click on it.

  1. Add response suggestions

Click ADD ALL to accept all the suggestions. To select a specific suggestion, click on the response you want to add.

Google forms question suggested response options
  1. Add an option for responders to enter their own text

On multiple choice and checkbox question types, there’s the option of adding an Other response that responders can select and fill in a blank (the image below is the responder view). Click ADD OTHER in the answer area below the question.

Google forms question other option fill in the blank
  1. Randomize answer options

If a question has multiple response options (like dropdown or checkbox), you can randomize the order of the options. Click the question menu icon (next to the Required slide), then click Shuffle option order.

Google forms question shuffle option order

The form will try to guess what type of question you might want based on what you enter. Click the down arrow next to the question to manually change the question type.

Google forms question types

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