Python has a set of built-in methods that you can use on sets.
Add an element to the fruits
fruits = {“apple”, “banana”, “cherry”}
{‘orange’, ‘banana’, ‘cherry’, ‘apple’}
Method | Syntax | Description |
add() | set.add(elmnt) | Adds an element to the set |
clear() | set.clear() | Removes all the elements from the set |
copy() | set.copy() | Returns a copy of the set |
difference() | set.difference(set) | Returns a set containing the difference between two or more sets |
difference_update() | set.difference_update(set) | Removes the items in this set that are also included in another, specified set |
discard() | set.discard(value) | Remove the specified item |
intersection() | set.intersection(set1, set2 … etc) | Returns a set, that is the intersection of two other sets |
intersection_update() | set.intersection_update(set1, set2 … etc) | Removes the items in this set that are not present in other, specified set(s) |
isdisjoint() | set.isdisjoint(set) | Returns whether two sets have a intersection or not |
issubset() | set.issubset(set) | Returns whether another set contains this set or not |
issuperset() | set.issuperset(set) | Returns whether this set contains another set or not |
pop() | set.pop() | Removes an element from the set |
remove() | set.remove(item) | Removes the specified element |
symmetric_difference() | set.symmetric_difference(set) | Returns a set with the symmetric differences of two sets |
symmetric_difference_update() | set.symmetric_difference_update(set) | inserts the symmetric differences from this set and another |
union() | set.union(set1, set2…) | Return a set containing the union of sets |
update() | set.update(set) | Update the set with the union of this set and others |