
By | October 4, 2022

Checkout.js is a jQuery plugin for easy to implementation of check out for e-commerce websites.

A Simple of checkout.js example as shown below −

<html xmlns = "">
      <meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset = iso-8859-1" />
      <title>Untitled Document</title>
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = "jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = "jquery.livequery.js"></script>
      <link href = "css.css" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript">

         $(document).ready(function() {
	         var Arrays = new Array();
            $('#wrap li').mousemove(function(){
               var position = $(this).position();
                  left   : position.left+'px',

            $('#wrap li').click(function(){
               var thisID = $(this).attr('id');
               var itemname  = $(this).find('div .name').html();
               var itemprice = $(this).find('div .price').html();

                  var price = $('#each-'+thisID).children(".shopp-price").
                  var quantity = $('#each-'+thisID).children(".shopp-quantity").html();
                  quantity = parseInt(quantity)+parseInt(1);
                  var total = parseInt(ite mprice)*parseInt(quantity);


                  var prev_charges = $('.cart-total span').html();
                  prev_charges = parseInt(prev_charges)-parseInt(price);
                  prev_charges = parseInt(prev_charges)+parseInt(total);
                  $('.cart-total span').html(prev_charges);
               } else {
                  var prev_charges = $('.cart-total span').html();
                  prev_charges = parseInt(prev_charges)+parseInt(itemprice);

                  $('.cart-total span').html(prev_charges);

                  $('#left_bar .cart-info').append('
                     <div class = "shopp" id = "each-'+thisID+'">
                        <div class = "label">'+itemname+'</div>
                        <div class = "shopp-price"> 
                        <span class = "shopp-quantity">1</span>
                        <img src = "remove.png" class = "remove" />
                        <br class = "all" />

                  $('#cart').css({'-webkit-transform' :
                     'rotate(20deg)','-moz-transform' : 'rotate(20deg)' });

            $('.remove').livequery('click', function() {
               var deduct = $(this).parent().children(".shopp-price").find('em').html();
               var prev_charges = $('.cart-total span').html();
               var thisID = $(this).parent().attr('id').replace('each-','');
               var pos = getpos(Arrays,thisID);
               prev_charges = parseInt(prev_charges)-parseInt(deduct);
               $('.cart-total span').html(prev_charges);
            $('#Submit').livequery('click', function() {
               var totalCharge = $('#total-hidden-charges').val();
               $('#left_bar').html('Total Charges: $'+totalCharge);
               return false;
         function include(arr, obj) {
            for(var i = 0; i<arr.length; i++) {
               if (arr[i] == obj) return true;
         function getpos(arr, obj) {
            for(var i = 0; i<arr.length; i++) {
               if (arr[i] == obj) return i;
         function angle(){$('#cart').css({'-webkit-transform' : 
            'rotate(0deg)','-moz-transform' : 'rotate(0deg)' });}


      <div align = "left">
         <div id = "wrap" align = "left">
               <li id = "1">
                  <img src = "a1.png" class = "items" height = "100" alt = "" />

                  <br clear = "all" />
                  <div><span class = "name">Learn Java: 
                     Price</span>: $<span class = "price">
                     800</span> </div>

               <li id = "2">
                  <img src = "5.png" class = "items" height = "100" alt = "" />

                  <br clear = "all" />
                  <div><span class = "name">Learn HTML
                     </span>: $<span class = "price">500 

               <li id="3">
                  <img src = "1.png" class = "items" height = "100" alt = "" />

                  <br clear = "all" />
                  <div><span class = "name">Learn Android 
                     </span>: $<span class = "price">450

               <li id = "4">
                  <img src = "6.png" class = "items" height = "100" alt = "" />

                  <br clear = "all" />
                  <div><span class = "name">Learn SVG 
                     </span>: $<span class = "price">1200

               <li id = "5">
                  <img src = "7.png" class = "items" height = "100" alt = "" />

                  <br clear = "all" />
                  <div> <span class = "name">Learn Bootstrap
                     </span>: $<span class = "price">65

               <li id = "6">
                  <img src = "5.png" class = "items" height = "100" alt = "" />

                  <br clear = "all" />
                  <div><span class = "name">Learn HTML
                     </span>: $<span class = "price">800
                     </span> </div>

               <li id = "7">
                  <img src = "7.png" class = "items" height = "100" alt = "" />

                  <br clear = "all" />
                  <div><span class = "name"> Learn Bootstrap
                     </span>: $<span class = "price">45

               <li id = "8">
                  <img src = "6.png" class = "items" height = "100" alt = "" />

                  <br clear = "all" />
                  <div><span class = "name">Learn SVG
                     </span>: $<span class = "price">900 

               <li id = "9">
                  <img src = "8.png" class = "items" height = "100" alt = "" />

                  <br clear = "all" />
                  <div><span class = "name">Learn Angular Js
                     </span>: $<span class = "price">20

            <br clear = "all" />
         <div id = "left_bar"> 
            <form action = "#" id="cart_form" name = "cart_form">
               <div class = "cart-info"></div>
               <div class = "cart-total">
                  <b>Total Charges:     

                  <input type = "hidden" name = "total-hidden-charges" 
                     id = "total-hidden-charges" value = "0" />

               <button type = "submit" id = "Submit">CheckOut</button>

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